Maxillofacial fractures are an uncommon presentation in rabbits and few reports have been published in the literature on their treatment. As maxillofacial fractures can have serious effects on the structures of the face including the oral cavity, treatment to return the patient to normal function and dental occlusion is imperative. A technique commonly utilized in other species with mandibular symphyseal separation is circummandibular cerclage wiring. A 2-year-old pet, lionhead, rabbit presented to a teaching hospital for a possible jaw fracture. The rabbit was bitten on the head by a dog and began exhibiting abnormal behaviors like difficulty eating. Radiographs by the referring veterinarian were suspicious for a jaw fracture. A computed tomography (CT) scan of the patient at the referral hospital confirmed a left zygomatic arch fracture and mandibular symphysis separation. A circummandibular cerclage wire was placed under anesthesia and a post-operative CT scan showed improved alignment following its placement. A follow-up CT, 6 weeks later, showed improved mandibular symphyseal alignment and resolved incisor malocclusion. However, on palpation instability was still noted and the cerclage wire was left for further healing. The wire was removed 88 days after initial placement and the rabbit was reported to be doing well. This presentation will show and demonstrate this technique and the importance of diagnostic imaging in fracturing monitoring for others to apply and use in similar cases.