Comparison of post-surgical complication rates in three elective castration techniques in male rats
This presentation will discuss three castration techniques (scrotal, prescrotal, and abdominal), including a comparison of the post-surgical outcomes and predictive events. Medical records of male pet rats were retrieved from January 2009 to June 2023 from a single private practice. A total 351 records were reviewed for inclusion in this retrospective study. Eleven records were rejected for incomplete surgery reports, two were rejected due to incorrect coding as a neuters (patients were female), and 1 was rejected due to death at induction prior to the surgical start time. This left 337 records for review. Weight, age, and outcomes at 14-days, 3 months, 6 months, and 1 year post-procedure were recorded. In addition, the surgeon and specialist status of the surgeon were recorded. Final statistical analysis is pending, but suggests the technique utilized by the surgeon is predictive of post-surgical complications.
Session Type
Lecture (25 Min)