Application external and/or internal fixation techniques in two bilateral tibial fracture rabbits
Case Report 1
A 6-year-old female rabbit with bilateral hindlimb lameness was presented. Diaphyseal communicated fractures were diagnosed at the bilateral tibias. The surgical technique of IM pin tie-in with Type-I external skeletal fixators was used for treating the bilateral fractures. Unfortunately, the breakage of fixators together with the osteomyelitis was noted 1 week later. In order to control the infection, the amputation was performed on the left leg. For the right hind leg, an external bandage was made with continuation of debridement of surgical wounds until the infection was controlled. The patient eventually recovered after the treatment but the left leg was deformity.
Case Report 2
A 6-month-old female rabbit with bilateral hindlimb lameness was presented. Diaphyseal simple fractures were diagnosed at bilateral tibias. The surgical technique of IM pin tie-in with Type I+II external skeletal fixators was used for the right tibia, and Mini-plate was used for the left tibia. The bone healed well after 8 weeks of the surgery without any postoperative complications.
The repair and prognosis of bilateral diaphyseal tibial fractures were rarely documented in veterinary literature. In both cases, several factors affected the prognosis, such as age, patient compliance and the type of bone fractures, etc. The external skeletal fixator is a practical technique and more commonly used to treat orthopedic problems in rabbits. However, the treatment for bilateral tibial fractures may require more stable fixation. Using Type I+II and Mini-plate could be a better approach to treat the complex fractures in rabbits.
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