Simplified Tarsorrhaphy Intervention To reduce Corneal Harm in Rabbits:the STITCH-R randomized trial
The risk of peri-anesthetic ulcerative keratitis in pet rabbits is widely accepted but poorly described. The aim of the STITCH-R (Simplified Tarsorrhaphy Intervention To reduce Corneal Harm in Rabbits) randomized controlled trial is to compare repeated application of a water-based ophthalmic lubricant at twenty-minute intervals to a temporary tarsorrhaphy in the prevention of corneal ulceration in pet rabbits undergoing anesthesia. Rabbits admitted to the [masked for review] undergoing anesthesia will be included in a parallel, single-arm, open label, randomized controlled trial. Fluorescein dye and cobalt blue light are used to evaluate the corneal surface prior to induction, the evening of the anesthetic event, and the following morning. Rabbits are randomly allocated into a water-based ophthalmic lubricant at twenty-minute intervals or to a temporary tarsorrhaphy. A 4-0 monofilament suture on a cutting needle is used to place a single horizontal mattress type suture across both eyelids. Anesthesia duration, recumbency, age, ocular clinical signs, and stain uptake are recorded. Rabbits with positive stain uptake are started on ofloxacin solution 0.3%, and ophthalmic lubrication twice daily. Time to ulcer healing and any associated complications are recorded if available. Preliminary results suggest that the utilization of a temporary tarsorrhaphy in pet rabbits under anesthesia decreases the incidence of corneal ulceration. A temporary tarsorrhaphy is a fast, cost effective and minimally invasive procedure that should be considered in pet rabbits undergoing anesthesia.
Session Type
Lecture (25 Min)