Amanda Wong
Laura Adamovicz, University of Illinois
Denise Imai
Karen Terio
Jen Reinhardt

Nannizziopsis guarroi is an onygenalean fungus and cause of morbidity and mortality in companion lizards. Infection is associated with cutaneous lesions ranging from mild scale abnormalities to severe, disfiguring, and ulcerative lesions and sometimes invasive mycosis and death. Best practices for diagnostic screening have yet to be established, leaving a major knowledge gap. To this end, six adult bearded dragons were experimentally inoculated with pure conidial suspension of N. guarroi. Weekly collection of fungal diagnostics to include cutaneous swabs for cytology, fungal culture, qPCR, and microbiome analysis were performed over 23 weeks while moniotring for the development of clinical cutaneous lesions. The lizards were euthanized after developing clinical infection and cutaneous lesions were histopathologically confirmed for 2-3 cutaneous lesions for each lizard. Positive results, indicating the presence of Nannizziopsis, by qPCR, fungal culture and microbiome were noted in 6/6, 6/6 and 5/6 bearded dragons before the time of the development of clinical disease, respectively. Results from this study may guide clinicians on the most effective diagnostics to reach for when N. guarroi infection is suspected.
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