Life's a Party...Until Your Patient Gets "Yellow Fungus Disease"
Date & Time
Sunday, August 25, 2024, 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM

Lizards (and snakes and turtles, oh my!) infected with Nannizziopsis and Paranannizziopsis present challenges surrounding diagnosis and effective therapy. In short, they really kill the party! In this master class, we will review the literature and present ongoing research surrounding name changes, host species breadth, diagnostic availability and challenges with therapy. The information gained will help the clinician managing the patient with "yellow fungus disease" keep calm and party on! (This is a review on infection with Nannizziopsis and Parananniziopsis with a them of "party" - completely appropriate for the venue city.)
Location Name
Balcony L & M
Full Address
New Orleans Marriott
555 Canal St
New Orleans, LA 70130
United States
555 Canal St
New Orleans, LA 70130
United States
Session Type
Masterclass (2 Hr)