Scientific evidence has shown that acupuncture effectively reduces pain and minimizes many unpleasant clinical symptoms related to lots of diseases. At Animal Space Pet Hospital, we specialize in providing acupuncture treatments for exotic pets, especially rabbits. For example, rabbits severely infected with Encephalitozoon cuniculi have a lower response to medication. The rabbit frequently shows a quicker recovery after acupuncture treatment, with the first indication of improvement being a reduction or absence of nystagmus. For instance, the rabbit has facial nerve paralysis. Acupuncture improves the efficacy of facial movements, such as drinking, grinding, and blinking. Frequently, facial asymmetry is present even after the restoration of normal function. However, we see a reduction in undesirable effects, such as improvement in the dry eye due to enhanced blink reflex or increased time required to recognize the spur on a tooth due to stronger grinding muscles. For rabbits suffering from severe pain caused by RGIS, acupuncture is used to reduce the painful sensation. It has been observed that these animals require less pain medication on the following days. Furthermore, senior rabbits with spondylosis and kidney failure who are unable to take medication can benefit from acupuncture to minimize back pain. We extend our acupuncture services to every species and size, aiming to elevate the standards of exotic pet medicine and enhance the overall quality of life for our animal patients and their dedicated owners.
555 Canal St
New Orleans, LA 70130
United States