A 9-year old rabbit was presented for not eating or drinking, lethargy, and painful behavior. Blood work showed ALT >2,000 U/L. Abdominal ultrasound showed mineral foci within the biliary tracts of his liver including bile tracts on the outside of the liver, and enlarged gall bladder, and inflammation of the fat tissue surrounding the liver. CT scan confirmed the presence of abnormal mineral throughout the biliary tracts. Fecal flotation was negative for parasites. A cholecystectomy was performed. Surgery was uneventful but the rabbit experienced severe complications that were managed in the following days of hospitalization. This is the first described case of cholecystectomy in a pet rabbit. Diagnoses: Moderate diffuse hepatopathy with intrahepatic biliary dilation with mineral (mineral disease of the liver and biliary tract), moderate diffuse cholecystopathy (disease of the gall bladder)
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New Orleans, LA 70130
United States