A 1 year old FI Fancy Mouse presented for labored respiration and audible breathing starting the prior evening. On physical exam respiratory noises could be heard. Abdominal respiratory effort was seen and a 3/6 systolic heart murmur heard (murmur confirmed visiting cardiologist). Patient looked suspicious for a fluid wave. A thoracic radiograph was taken and a bronchointerstitial pattern was seen. The radiograph was submitted to a board certified specialist for review. The owner declined ultrasound and opted to take the patient home due to concerns that the patient was stressed from being away from home. She was sent home with doxycycline and enrofloxacin. The report found suspicion for mild cardiomegaly with airway deviations. A bronchointerstitial pattern with mild diffuse pulmonary change was also seen. After reviewing the suggested options from the specialist with the owner, it was decided to add on Lasix. However it took about a week for the owner to start the Lasix. The patient was seen 10 days later for improvement in signs but still having increased respiratory effort. A GFAST was performed. Shred signs seen consistent with pneumonia. The Lasix was discontinued. Saline neubulizing treatments were added. The owner was encouraged to give the antibiotics by mouth and not on food as she had been doing to make sure the patient was getting the full dose. All symptoms resolved. The owner declined follow up diagnostics.
555 Canal St
New Orleans, LA 70130
United States