The Effect of a Single 10mg/kg Oral Dose of Gabapentin on Rabbits in the Clinic and at Home (Repeat from Monday)
Date & Time
Wednesday, August 28, 2024, 8:30 AM - 8:55 AM
Sayrah Gilbert

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of a single oral dose of 10mg/kg gabapentin on stress in domestic rabbits at home and at the veterinary clinic. The experimental design was a double-blind cross-over study. Rabbits selected for the study were identified by fosters or owners as being high anxiety rabbits and having a history of anxiety during veterinary visits. All rabbits underwent an initial evaluation with an investigator (SG) that evaluated body weight, heart rate, respiratory rate, rectal temperature, general stress level, and tolerance for physical exam and restraint for blood draw. Rabbits were randomly assigned to 2 groups, receiving drug A or drug B, one of which was gabapentin and the other a compounded placebo. Dosing volume was based on a 10mg/kg dose of gabapentin orally and was consistent across both groups. Rabbits underwent a home trial to evaluate behavior there and a second veterinary visit. Then the experiment was repeated with the opposite drug. Drug administrations were separated by 7 days and occurred on the same day of each week, with the entire trial taking 5 weeks. For the veterinary evaluation, rabbits were administered the medication 2 hours prior to their visit. All veterinary evaluations were performed by the same investigator and video footage of each procured for review. Patients tolerated the study well with no adverse reaction noted by owners or fosters. Subjectively, some patients were more relaxed, and statistics are currently pending.

Location Name
Studio 9 & 10
Full Address
New Orleans Marriott
555 Canal St
New Orleans, LA 70130
United States
Session Type
Lecture (25 Min)